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on {{libraryItem.data.DocumentCreationDate | date:'MM-dd-yy'}} at {{libraryItem.data.DocumentCreationDate | toDateTimeFromDateTime2 | date:'h:mma' | lowercase}}
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{{libraryItem.data.Name}} Components
Time to get started! Begin sizing your application using the buttons below. If you need help you could share your project with someone else using the Shared Users button at the top of the screen. Make sure to check out the Customer/Site tab to fill in details about the project.
Load/Profile: {{axis.libData.MotionProfiles[0].Name}} | {{axis.libData.MotionProfiles[0].LibraryItemType | localize}}
Linear Mechanism: None SelectedLinear Mechanism: {{axis.libData.LinearMechanismContainer.LinearMechanism.Name}}
Transmission: Gearbox {{axis.libData.TransmissionContainer.Transmission.CatalogNumber}}
Rotary Indexer: {{axis.libData.RotaryTransmissionContainer.RotaryTransmission.CatalogNumber}}
Motor: None Selected
Drive: None Selected
Other Requirements
Please click Auto Configure to add the following (products/accessories) to your system.
{{error}} |
{{error.AxisName}} :
Selected {{ project.analysis.getSelectedType() }} Detail
Please select a specific axis to see results
Average Power Usage | {{project.analysis.selectedGroup.powerAnalysis.PlatformAnalysis.AveragePowerUsage | number : 2}} kW |
Average Motoring Power | {{project.analysis.selectedGroup.powerAnalysis.PlatformAnalysis.AverageMotoringPower | number : 2}} kW |
Average Regen Power | {{project.analysis.selectedGroup.powerAnalysis.PlatformAnalysis.AverageRegenPower | number : 2}} kW |
Set Power Supply, Shunt, and Capacitors
Components, and component sizes are allocated automatically based on the drives included within the Common Bus.
{{component}} |
Configures Axis power options based on Axis components and
manual/automatic selections below. This does not overwrite manual
Power Supply Type:
Power Supply
A Power Supply, also known as a converter, feeds power to the DC bus for use by inverters. In a multi-axis system some drives do not have their own converter and must have a power supply provide their power.
A Shunt, also known as Brake Resistor, removes excess energy from the system. Typically this is needed in applications with high current regeneration.
Required By System | ||
{{pa.Accessory.CatalogNumber}} | ||
Additional | ||
{{pa.Accessory.CatalogNumber}} |
Average Shunt Power | {{project.analysis.selectedGroup.powerAnalysis.PlatformAnalysis.AvgShuntRegenPower | number : 2}} W |
Extended Speed Active Shunt
Internal Permanent Magnet motors are capable of speeds that exceed the inverter maximum safe speeds. In such cases, an Extended Speed Active Shunt is required to keep the inverter bus voltage at acceptable level.
ShuntModule | {{project.analysis.selectedPlatform.powerAnalysis.SafetyShunt.ShuntModule}} | |
External Resistor | {{project.analysis.selectedPlatform.powerAnalysis.SafetyShunt.ExternalResistor}} | |
Utilization Worst case shunt utilization when inverter fault happens when all axes are at their highest speed |
Capacitor efficiently stores regenerated energy.
Required By System | |
{{pa.Accessory.CatalogNumber}} | |
Additional | |
{{pa.Accessory.CatalogNumber}} |
Power Analysis Graph
Updating analysis...
Power Analysis Graph
There has been an error calculating your power analysis graph.