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Requirement Summary
A belt drive is a rotary motor coupled to a timing pulley that drives a flexible toothed belt, with its coupled load, back and forth between two idler pulley guides. The load, stroke, speed, and acceleration display the maximum values calculated based on the parameters entered in the Load and Motion Profile. The Driver is the shaft that is driven by the motor through optional gearbox and transmission stages. The Idlers are the rotary elements driven by the belt. You may enter data for up to three Idler Groups. Check the corresponding box to add a second or third group of idlers. A chain and sprocket is a rotary motor coupled to a sprocket wheel that drives a linked chain, with its coupled load, back and forth between idler sprocket guides. The Load, Stroke, Speed, and Acceleration values are calculated based on the parameters entered in the previous Load and Profile tabs and displayed here for reference. A lead screw is coupled to a rotary motor and causes relative linear motion between a rotating screw and its non-rotating nut. The Load, Stroke, Speed, and Acceleration values are calculated based on the parameters entered in the previous Load and Profile tabs and displayed here for reference. A rack and pinion is a rotary motor coupled to a toothed pinion wheel that engages a toothed rack to create relative motion between the two elements. The Load, Stroke, Speed, and Acceleration values are calculated based on the parameters entered in the previous Load and Profile tabs and displayed here for reference.Load: |
Stroke: |
Speed: |
Acceleration: |